Saturday, May 09, 2009

Remembering the holocaust

67 years ago, on this day in 1942, Hitler's notorious SS murdered 588 Jewish residents of the Podolian town of Zinkiv! The holocaust is perhaps the darkest acts of modern history, one that still serves as a grim reminder of how cruel and despicable human beings could be to their own kind.

Camps Auschwitz and Birkenau, among the many of their kind, witnessed some of the most grotesque events mankind could ever experience. By the time, Nazi Germany was brought to its knees, several million people had fallen victim to concentration camps established by Hitler's armies to systematically exterminate those unfit to be part of the superior race!

May such an act of Satan, never ever come to be!

Ironically, it is on this day, in 1945 that Germany's final surrender was signed.


Image Courtesy - Wikipedia

The entrance to Auschwitz I was, and still is marked with the sign "Arbeit Macht Frei", meaning "work makes one free."


  1. Hey dude, I'm interested in Nazi Germany. Ive read extensively on it...and I find this pic of urs like a re-visit.

    Did you know that Hitler was not really dead till sometime in the 60s??

    Wanna know somethign else?? And this I have been told by someone who knows his history well. Hiter is STILL ALIVE. very old but Alve !! Ofcourse you don't have to believe it.

  2. It's a black shadows of history! thanks for reminding.

  3. one of the darkest chapters in history...Its too horrible!!!

  4. Say Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia et al... and I am reminded of my father's narration...he would narrate all that occured in those years...not just in Germany, across the world..the way it all were connected with exact dates....

    I would sit with my mouth opening wide and wide!

    hated history while in was after 25 that it struck me one should learn history to be a real human being!

    anyway, 'Redefining Oblivion' is making sense :))


  5. i have lost hope humans will ever learn...

    there are few survivers left and the memory of all the horror of concentration camps is fading away...

    everybody should see aushwitz once in a lifetime!

  6. A significant post recalling some of the darkest days of World War II.

    My Birds Blog

  7. i believe many Germans (at least the younger generation) feel a lot of guilt and embarrassment about the Holocaust.

  8. One of the most darkest day in humanity...

  9. While Hitler and Himmler went on with mindless persecution of Jews, there is one more thing that we should not forget - Stalin and his concentration camps. More Russians died in these camps than jews killed by Nazi's. It is a pity that Stalin got away with all that!

    Destination Infinity

  10. Its a shame that his black actions have tainted his legend. Apart from what he did, it amazing to see who he was.

  11. Anand,

    Do you have facts to support your claim? :-)

  12. Whether Hitler is alive or dead does not make the past any colourful. I too hope that such an event will not repeat!

  13. Andy

    I used to read up on Nazi Germany, back in school days! The subject still interests me a lot!

    As far as the question of Hitler's death and re-surfacing is concerned, there have been many a story doing the rounds.
    But having been confirmed dead by the FSB (former KGB) perhaps puts an end to all those theories!

    But then again.......!


  14. Jeevan

    Very true, black shadows of history!


  15. Praveen

    I agree! One of the darkest chapters in history...


  16. Devika Chechi

    Hearing elders recount stories is perhaps one of the most pleasurable times and activities to be part of!
    I loved history in school and still do.....if only I'd thought a lil more, I would have pursued history and become something else!

    And I completely agree that "one should learn history to be a real human being!"


  17. Polona

    Yes, atrocities people have committed against their own kind!
    I so much want to visit these places at least once!

    To imagine what people would have gone through in these places........utter horror!


  18. Abe

    Yes indeed!

    For you, these horrors were perhaps first hand, having seen them yourself and having fought against evil in person and then having liberated the thousands who were waiting for a helping hand!

    We owe you! Big time!


  19. Anjana

    Yes, a lot of my German friends feel extremely sorry for this! I'm glad that today, Germany is a peace loving nation free from the shackles of its past!


  20. Mad Blogger

    Correct! Lets hope such incidents don't occur again!


  21. DI

    Completely agree with you! I read this first hand in Russia's War by Richard Overy

    Stalin was gruesome, Satan in man, perhaps!

    It is indeed a pity that he got away with what he did!


  22. Sid

    Shameful indeed! Minus his deviant mind, he was a wonderful leader and a great orator!
    But of what use are they if one's person is compromised?


  23. Dot

    Please see my comments to Andy!


  24. Rajesh

    True, not a nice past to remember!


  25. Ajeya

    Correct! The damage was done and the pain lingers on!


  26. Rak, A slightly off topic...but, I was thinking about the horror of these times...that which you and me witness or rather take to heart as witnesses...

    The media propaganda has much to do with it ......and those forces who change sides are to be dealt with sternly....or atleast brought to light..

    That gives me an impulse to start the Socio-Pol blog....But I am so short of time these days..much work at hand...anyway, hope I could manage to find some time :)


  27. Devika Chechi

    I agree that the media does play a very influential role in shaping the opinions of people at large! What is portrayed is readily consumed, but then there appears to be no alternative though!

    Unfortunately, the forces that we refer to are the ones that run the system and thus remain invincible!

    I wish to see more on the Certain Kind of Woman & the Socio-Political spaces! Its been awefully long! The Abstract space, I continue to visit often!



  28. I know, I know....But people are beginning to realise, I think :)

    even the one's who propogated news against the system...and now vying to be part of the system...the system was never does undergo change...thats the call of time!

    and those ones who fought the system are now realising the system was not bad as they portrayed...

    I hope you understand what I mean....I mean the Congress rule ;-))


  29. Devika Chechi

    Oh yes! The sheer number of shoe trhowing incidents itself indicate a coming of change! I'm not advocating throwing shoes, but then one cannot help but notice the dropping tolerance of people!

    Change will come! It is destined to! And those who were part of a fabric that propagated corruption will be held!

    Hopefully, we will live to see that ?!



  30. living to see that...who knows, Rak?
    HOPE is all we could have! :)


  31. See Rak, throwing shoes is no solution...and reflects our real inner selves....

    But strong reactions and education through awareness is needed whenever it calls for....If one is ready to offer, no one says no!

    and then you step back to criticise when it happens with another is no way...yet systems demand a tolerance..and we as educated souls should be prudent to take it in an unbiased manner....

    sometimes its like lying on your own back to spit on the face....we ought to know the consequences of our action...

    but without being part of the system no change is ever possible....yet, when so many hands are at play...its a difficult situation....

    those who tries to meet all ends often bear the burden...anyway, yeah Hope it will all change..


  32. Devika Chechi

    Completely agree that show throwing is not the solution! However, this shows the tolerance levels of people!

    Education, as you rightly said, is the solution to all our problems for that creates awareness and makes people rationale!

    Lets hope that change comes sooner than expected!


